Wednesday, April 22, 2009


yeah, i got a new blog
it's a tumblr blog.
everyone should get one. TUMBLR IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

if someone said 3 years from now, you'd be long gone, i'd stand up and punch them out, 'cause they're all wrong

uh, why can't i center this post? weird. oh well.
how have ya'll been? i'm pretty good.
these past months have been the best of my liife.
minimal drama, fun, hanging out with friends, etc.
Buut, I got sick.
I had to go to the hospital and get an IV connected to me. I also got blood work done -_-
I missed 2 whole weeks of school these past 2 terms.
That's like.. a looot.
Well, we've been doing literature circles in English. I really like the book we have but.... MY @!#!ING GROUP IS SO !@#$ING DRAMATIC.
Like they're always arguing, me and Jai are the only regular ones.
And Hannah (blah annoying. she always says "cheese and crackers!" i'm just like, stfu, please ^_^), anyways, and Hannah keeps coming from her group to gather everyone but me and Jai and Jennie to talk. I'm like Hannah go away, we're reading. Then she's like "It's important! It's about a fight!" Anyway, you get my point.
I really wish I could be in a.. uhhh, normal group?!
OMG. There's this new (and retarded) Hannah Montana dance. Hoedown throwdown? Everyone's doing it, it's the new freaking tamagotchi! Woo. The dance is cool, I'll admit, but the song is annnoyinnggg.
Well anyway, I'm gonna go talk to some people on MSN. :]