Saturday, February 28, 2009



Haha. Gotta love that pic!
Anyway, onto rants.

Why does school have to be so stupid? Like yeah, some things in it are okay. But waking up early is such a drag, and the weekends are sooo short.
& Gym class.. I hate the fitness stations which we have to do every monday >:[
And there's like SO many tests, like really? I hate having all these tests piled up. It's annoying.
And the hallways are so narrow so they're always jammed up!
So yeah (: That's my little rant.

Today was pretty good.
Me and my friends went to this big shopping place. It was fun :)
I didn't really buy anything, I didn't really want anything, but we went in the store on all the laptops and took like a whole bunch of pictures on the webcams, especially in staples x]

Anyways, I'm going downstairs. Seeya later! (:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just a... Wow day.

Today was confusing.
School was great.
But when I came home I found out my mon was in the hospital. So I had to go to my friends house. I got home with my mom and dad at around nine. But just a little bit ago she was in serious pain so she went back to the hospital. I was really scared, but now I am home with my sister laying in bed.
Ahhhhh. Goodnight.
Short blog. Oh well.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A great Monday... For once.

Well, I actually had a great day today. I woke up, had a shower, the usual.
School started with PDR. Which was good. Then we had a french test, which I probably failed. But no biggie cause it was just a little quiz. Nothing big! After that we had math, which was good for a change. We talked about countrys going bankrupt which was quite interesting. The thing were doing is pretty easy, though. Next we had science, which I usually dread. But today we had it in the computer lab, which is awesome because I sat by annie and anna. We found out that YouTube wasn't blocked on the computer so we played music off there, mostly Lily Allen. :) for lunch I had pasta which was yummy. In case I didn't tell you, I go to annies for lunch because she lives close to the school and I hate the lunch program. Walking to my house would take way too long. After lunch we had gym which was fun because we played badminton. And it was a mixed gym class with 7a and 8a. Then we had english. I found out my literature group, and it's good! Then I came home and relaxed. But, when I was doing the huge pile of homework I had (I was sick for the whole week and trapped in an airport) I spilled water on it. Thank god the ink didn't smudge. I blow dried all the paper. But it was water from this squishy water balloon that exploded when I was playing with, and it had these sparkles in it, so now my work looks sparkley and shiney. Oh! Life with derek is on. Byee for now!
I told you that having this app on my iPod touch would make me blog more. (this whole blog was written on an iPod touch)
- Eric.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I should be sleeping.

Yeah. I should be sleeping, but I'm not. I'm wide awake watching the oscars. Its getting boring because like every award is for slumdog millionaire or someone that worked or acted in that movie.
We have school tomorrow. I really don't want to go at all. I haven't been to school since last Thursday. I am praying that school will be cancelled, but it probably won't be. We can hope!
My dog just came up in my bed and went on my lap.
Agh. I better go to bed now.

Friday, February 20, 2009

iPod blog.

Hey! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. But I just got this app on my iPod touch so now I can blog on here. well, yesterday was quite an interesting day. I was trapped in an airport from one in the morning until midnight. I was so bored. The reason I was stuck is because it was storming and my sister was getting a flight back from her trip to europe. But because of the storm her flight got detoured into Toronto. I know. Like I'm in nova scotia and the flight got detoured to Toronto? What the heck. So her original flight was supposed to come at 2 pm but since it got detoured it was supposed to arrive at 10 pm. So we had to wait at the airport all day. It was so boring. I had burger king for lunch and supper. I don't even like fast food that much! But I tested maggie a bit over facebook before the flight arrived. Yay! LOL. So that's what yesterday was so interesting. That's all for now.
expect more blogs soon!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

let's start a riot!

So, Maybe I don't blog everyday anymore. My life has been very dramatic and scheduled.
Well, The drama part.
There's someone.. lets call them T.
T is an idiot, T's rude, disrespectful to my beliefs, and she is super dramatic.
I really hate T. I know god wouldn't want me to, but it's strange because I actually do.
School has been okay. I mean, tests every week. Homework. and blah. it's really stupid. My french teacher gives us tests every week.
My room has been getting done.
I am getting a new closet, and getting it painted.
It's very hectic, because as soon as I clean it, it just gets messy again. The only good thing about it, is that, since it's getting painted Monday, me and my friend got these old paints and wrote all over my walls. it was a lot of fun.
we have a french test tomorrow.
time to study.
goodbye :]
i'll blog soon, k?