Sunday, February 1, 2009

let's start a riot!

So, Maybe I don't blog everyday anymore. My life has been very dramatic and scheduled.
Well, The drama part.
There's someone.. lets call them T.
T is an idiot, T's rude, disrespectful to my beliefs, and she is super dramatic.
I really hate T. I know god wouldn't want me to, but it's strange because I actually do.
School has been okay. I mean, tests every week. Homework. and blah. it's really stupid. My french teacher gives us tests every week.
My room has been getting done.
I am getting a new closet, and getting it painted.
It's very hectic, because as soon as I clean it, it just gets messy again. The only good thing about it, is that, since it's getting painted Monday, me and my friend got these old paints and wrote all over my walls. it was a lot of fun.
we have a french test tomorrow.
time to study.
goodbye :]
i'll blog soon, k?

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