Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Now that we're done, I'm so sorry.

No, I haven't blogged. Yes, I have a reason.
Well, we had yesterday off of school. hurray! Today was pretty good. Got to talk to some friends. :] No homework either. We had a french test [we do every week], and I got a 7 and a half out of 14. so that's okay, passing. I love french, but sometimes I don't study. hehe :P
Anyways, hey, I blogged.
Bye for now.
Eric. :]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

half day :]

image caption: yummmyyy juuuicceee!

we had a half day today. yay we are lucky.
ugh. i am really on bloggers block. i never know/have anything to blog about
i'm sorry guys.
i'll come with an awesome blog soon!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

sick day.

i was sick today. i was on the computer all day. i reopened my facebook.
thats all. nothing interesting happened today.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Insert Amazing Title Here.

Image Caption: Me , Annie , and Stella.
Well, it's been yet another boring monday.
We had gym with the grade eights again. Ugh, I hate that. I really do.
Really nothing happened today.
I am not in a blogging mood.
Maybe later tonight, but tomorrow most deffinatly.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


yeah, so, the image pretty much explains what happens when i get my hands on a camera.
well, again my plans got broken. really they wouldn't have went through anyway, as it's storming outside. so i didn't really do anything all day.
but the snow stopped now, and the roads are plowed. which means school, unless it starts again.
i really need a haircut again, i can't stand my hair when it gets long. it gets curly. i dont like it at all.
anyways, i have been trying to avoid this subject for the past few days. love.
right now, i don't like love. i hate it. i hate how i completely fall head over heals for someone. i hate how they'll change on you. i hate how love can completely destroy a friendship. i hate how love can create a hatrid towards someone. i hate how love can make you change. there are some good things about love though. i like how you feel safe with the person you love. i like how love can make you feel good on the worst days. i like how you feel completely happy with the person you love.
and because of all of those reasons, i don't want to love anyone. i am afraid to love anyone. i dont want my life to be ruined because of it. i'm scared i will lose my friends because of it. i'm scared i'll make other people feel hurt. most of all, i'm scared when the time comes that we both need to seperate, it will tear us both apart.
ugh, thats enough for now

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Broken Plans

Basically, The image is me and two of my best friends on new years eve. :] it is just minutes before 2009 that it was taken.
anyway, i had plans today.
but, my dad came home and had to shower and take the dog out, and it turned out it was too late to have any time at the mall. we could have left, but my friend needed an adult at the mall with her. [emma, she's not in the picture, though.] i wish we could have went, iw ould probably just have gotten home 10 minutes ago.
it really sucks that we didn't end up going. anyway, i think me and two of my other best friends will be going to the library. all of my best friends will be listed here
1. Emma
2. Stella
3. Annie
4. Marlee
I am kind of mad at marlee, as she has changed. she acts different now, and i really dislike it. but i guess she is still my friend, even if she can get annoying and moody alot. she is a year younger then me, too.
my friends really enjoyed my postsecret book. i find it very nice, and i check the website and their myspace blog alot. i probably will be ordering another book when i save up enough money.
i kind of have my own secret, that i want to get on the website, or in a book. it's;
I wish I could tell you, but I am 100% sure that will never happen.
yeah, it's about someone i like, and they'll probably never know, either. oh well.
i have that written down in my notebook and my friends kept trying to look at it, i made sure they didn't. they were allowed to read everything except that.
i bought an application on my ipod touch. it's alot of fun. it's called 'Super Monkey Ball'. I've been playing it a while, but now I am on a level I can NOT get past. Haha, there is so many hills and I keep rolling off of them! I'll try and post some pictures off google right now
That's what the game looks like, you have to try not to roll of the edges. it's really fun.
anyways, i guess that is a good enough blog for today.
goodbye for now. :}
from Eric.

Friday, January 9, 2009

i am only pieces of you, held together with paper glue.

image caption: me being crazy on new years eve

"I am only flesh and bones,
Splintered glass and tattered clothes,
behind the skin, my fragility,
behind the skin, a skeletal impracticality,
I am only pieces of you,
held together with paper glue,
behind the skin, my divinity
behind the skin, my only sanctuary."

I love that song. It really holds alot of meaning in it. I was just listening to it and then I realized how beautiful it is.
anyways, today was a wonderful friday. i forgot my lunch for the third time in a row, [i go to my friends house for lunch] and i was worried her mom would be mad. but to my luck, my mom dropped off food. mcdonalds, not i do not like mcdonalds, but it is better than being in trouble.
and to my surprise, when i got home, i saw my postsecret book on the bench inside my house. i was excited. i opened it and it was a lot bigger than i thought it was. but it was very nice to read, and it has stickers inside it.
when i came online, one of my best friends emma was online. we talked, and she might be coming to my house so me her and annie can go to the mall. if she is allowed, it should be really fun.
when me annie and emma where on the phone, i was on webcam with annie and we were like "whaaat" at what emma was saying. then we went on "microsoft sam" and were like telling eachother off with the voice thing. it was pretty funny.
during lunch these days, me and annie will watch a bit of a movie at a time. the movie we're watching at the moment it called "drillbit taylor". it's good, if you want to know about it, look it up xD.
well I guess thats enough for today.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cause I can't turn to you when it all falls apart.. (8)

It's weird, really.
How your emotions can change so quickly.
Yesterday, I was very angry, and upset. then today, i was all of the sudden happy.
I've also been listening to music alot lately. Mainly 'The Veronica's', and 'Lily Allen'.
Gosh, like really my 2 favorite bands and singers. i also really like paramore. especially 'that's what you get'
really, all this realationship stuff gets confusing. you hate them you love then you like them you just want to be friends now... it's so confusing, especially when it revolves around the internet.
i wish me and 'her' could just talk in real life. in private. it's heard when i never see her out of school.
anyway, this has been a pretty short blog. i just felt the need to say that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years Resolution.

Now, I don't exactly have a new years resolution, but i guess i could make one?
hm, what would be a good resolution. *thinks*,
i guess a good one could be.. no no, nevermind.
i guess, maybe to be more confident?
i mean, i am very confident, but still, i would like to become more confident, that would be nice.
but i guess you could have more than one right?
to read the whole twilight series, i guess. it will be an accomplishment just to finish new moon. but i really want to find out what happens in breaking dawn, so i guess i may as well.
any others? i guess, to really try and blog as much as possible. i do like blogging, so i guess i could try and keep this blog going instead of quitting. i've had many blogs, none that i've actually used for very long. so maybe this could be my first one?
in my blogs, i seem so.. serious, trust me, i'm not. but idk, aha.
anyway enough chit chat. thats it for today kiddo's! :]


What a wonderful day.

Really, today was absolutly wonderful!
I enjoyed it.
Even though, thursday is the worst day of the week scedual wise, I still had quite a good day.
First of all, we had Science, and for once, we didn't have to copy down any three whiteboard long notes, which is good, really.
Then we had french, I got a 60 out of 88 on the test, so it's good :] , I could have done better, but it's a pass by like 20 points.
Then we had science for another hour, and social studies.
Social studies was pretty good, no note copying, again. Just some papers, which I did, and they were easy. In the middle of class someone's phone started ringing, and "Paper Planes" by M.I.A started playing. It was hilarious.
After lunch, we had math, which was okay. I guess it could have been better. And then we had english, which was also just okay. Pretty easy.
After school I went on msn, and I talked to Teresa, and we both told eachother that we did still like eachother, and I told her I forgive her. And now we are friends again, and I am very happy about that, :]
I only have one page of homework, english, which is very easy anyway :]
Wow, there is this guy named Ravi, and he is so annoying! He spams my MSN constantly. it's very annoying.
I mean, he's nice in real life [kind of annoying, also], but on msn.. wow.
Anyways, I guess this is long enough for now.
Byebye :]

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

this is how it feelss , (8)

kso, basically [i got this idea from maggie], this is a song that really relates to me right now.

You keep calling my phone non-stop
Don't you know I won't pick it up
You never leave a message
Look how you've changed

You got nothing to say, gettin' in the way
Show up at my house
Your gettin' so obsessive
Like I have time for you

Wasn't it me you didn't want?
Wasn't it me who was hanging on?
Now I'm done but before I go I want you to know ...

This is how it feels
When you wait for a call that never comes
Are you waking up 'cause you miss someone?
This is how it feels
When the trust you had is broken,
And your left to burn with your heart wide open

Oh Oh

You wanted me, not to tell me why
Why and how you had the heart to f**k up my whole life
That's just so you

And now I've moved on by myself
And maybe I won't forgive
I'll just forget you lived
And I hope it hurts

Wasn't it me you tried to blame?
Wasn't it me you threw away?
But before you go there's something you should know ...

This is how it feels
When you wait for a call that never comes
Are you waking up 'cause you miss someone?
This is how it feels (oh oh)
When the trust you had is broken,
And your left to burn with your heart wide open

You taught me how to hate you
And I was so in love
When I tried to save us it was not enough
So what the hell is different
'cause now that I am gone
You're crawling back to tell me
I'm the one

Oh Oh
This is how it feels
Oh Oh
This is how it feels

When you wait for a call that never comes
Are you waking up 'cause you miss someone?
This is how it feels (oh oh oh, oh oh oh)
When the trust you had is broken,
And your left to burn with your heart wide open

Do you only want me
'cause you can't have me?
Do you only want me
'cause I'm gone?
Do you only want me
'cause you can't have me?
Do you only want me
'cause I'm gone?
Do you only want me
'cause you can't have me?
Do you only want me
'cause I'm gone?
Do you only want me
'cause you can't have me?
Do you only want me
'cause I'm gone?

Oh Oh

yeah, someone has been screwing my life up bad.
i am just going to forget them,
forget their existance.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ranting and venting, mainly.

This is going to be a big long rant.
Well basically, I hate gym. We have gym with the grade eights every monday, which makes it worse. I really wish the teachers wouldn't be so stupid and would just let us have like regular gym. We do like stupid stuff. My gym teacher forced me to do the beep test when he knew I had atsma and after I couldn't breathe right.
And he is also my science teacher. We have science like 2 and a half hours a week, great.
He claims he 'lost' my project , but I saw it right in my class' pile. And then when I found it I muttered that he was a 'complete and utter idiot', and I think he heard. So of course he gave me a B, when I really did more work them most people in the class. My brochure actually stretched out the farthest, that's how much information there is on it.
Oh, and my Social Studies teacher, she is so annoying. She doesn't know how to control the class so she goes nuts. People in my class are morons, well, alot of them. Okay , okay. just a few.
Really, I can't take these dirty jokes about EVERYTHING anymore. It's so annoying. if you even just say the word 'rape' they'll laugh. It makes me angered that they think that such a sensitive and horrible subject is down right hilarious.
Anyways, I am going to go. I am talking to too many people. And on webcam. So Bye