Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What a wonderful day.

Really, today was absolutly wonderful!
I enjoyed it.
Even though, thursday is the worst day of the week scedual wise, I still had quite a good day.
First of all, we had Science, and for once, we didn't have to copy down any three whiteboard long notes, which is good, really.
Then we had french, I got a 60 out of 88 on the test, so it's good :] , I could have done better, but it's a pass by like 20 points.
Then we had science for another hour, and social studies.
Social studies was pretty good, no note copying, again. Just some papers, which I did, and they were easy. In the middle of class someone's phone started ringing, and "Paper Planes" by M.I.A started playing. It was hilarious.
After lunch, we had math, which was okay. I guess it could have been better. And then we had english, which was also just okay. Pretty easy.
After school I went on msn, and I talked to Teresa, and we both told eachother that we did still like eachother, and I told her I forgive her. And now we are friends again, and I am very happy about that, :]
I only have one page of homework, english, which is very easy anyway :]
Wow, there is this guy named Ravi, and he is so annoying! He spams my MSN constantly. it's very annoying.
I mean, he's nice in real life [kind of annoying, also], but on msn.. wow.
Anyways, I guess this is long enough for now.
Byebye :]

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